I had the pleasure and honor to be interviewed by the master interviewer Ryan Warne for Colorado Matters on Colorado Public Radio. We met in my garden and covered numerous topics ranging from the history of my blog which launched in 2010 to ageism and the meaning of the word “crone.” Check out the web feature at CPR, which also provides a link to the live interview.
CPR’s photographer Hart Van Denberg shot photos of me as I demonstrated how I take my own images with a tripod, remote, and iPhone. It became necessary for me to learn self photography during lockdown, as I wasn’t meeting up with photographers during that time. It’s a skill set that I’m thankful to have acquired, as I continue to take the majority of my instagram photos by myself. Fortunately I meet up with my long term photographer and friend Daniel Nolan once a week since we’ve been vaccinated. We always have a fun and fluid rhythm to our photo sessions.
It was meaningful to be interviewed in my garden. I felt comfortable and at ease, and found it easy to engage. Of course that had a lot to do with the interviewer and phototographer, both from CPR.
My garden is filled with mirrors, found objects from mostly estate sales, and anything that I find that reflects my taste. I am especially fond of my outdoor manikin collection and I’m always on the lookout for another treasure.
This photo was taken by my front door. I’m wearing a gifted vintage robe cinched at the waist by an orange studded belt, vintage hat, vintage jewelry, black leggings, and patent leather tangerine open toed pumps.
The tangerine pumps have been a long time favorite, and they were the perfect accessory for the colorful robe that I wore in the photos above.
Thank you Ryan and Hart, for the fabulous time in my garden. It was one of the high points of the season in my outdoor sanctuary!